Hey Babe....We can never move forward due to your lack of humanity, the lack of concern you have for society along with you being self centered.
We can never move past go because of my love for humanity, Black Culture and everything authentic. The love I have for equality and everything else that is wrong in this world that I hate, somehow confuses you. My love for self righteousness, self love and self care is way too important to me to be ignorant to the matter. I can not fold, I will not bend, I will continue to believe in the things that are right to me! I can not forget about all the black men that are dying everyday due to self hate. It bothers me, but for you it's just the way of the world. I will not be blinded by your thoughts your suggestions and forget about what is important to me. I will stay in my lane and carry on with my thoughts and beliefs. You do not believe Jesus died for us but I do....somehow I managed to call you my babe..
now I guess it's safe to say you're my x-babe