the root of what gives color to skin, hair, eyes, plants, oil, animals everything imaginable that is creative and colorful.
This blog post was written in the course of a few days as I dealt with writers block. Sitting here in deep thought embracing my Melanin skin wearing all black on both days. As I drank my creamy Starbucks coffee along burning incense which helps me think clearer all while waist training I started to reminisce on life. As days turn into months and months turned into years I thought about the year I started my self cleansing journey which was "2015". That year I gave up alcohol, partying, the flesh of all animals, and reality TV. A few years before I had already stopped applying chemicals to my hair for the second time in my life with the intentions of getting more connected with my natural self physically and mentally.
Sitting in one of my favorite spots in the comfort of my home, I think how I left my family behind in "2017". The reason being was to continue with my self proclaim journey of cleansing in search for mental peace and freedom along with eliminating of all things negative.
This mission was necessary and yes I called it a mission, because it was something that I set out to do. Maybe not for the mere fact of religion but more for spiritual reasons. I had just retired from a very restricted, stressful career so this was necessary. I gave many years of my life reporting to a place that was built to destroy and enslave many people mentally and physically. However, this story will continue at a later date........
When reflecting on life some may think a lot of things stay the same, for me everything changed starting with the way I think and the things I find more important to me. As I now understand why I feel more connected to certain people and things.
Now let me mention something about THINGS.. I am still fighting everyday to give up my somewhat obsession with things... things that really would mean nothing to me if they were gone.. Although I have given away a lot of things that I will never miss, I still find the urge to hold on to some things that would be better off in the homes or hands of other people. This too is a story for a later date and time.
My whole point in writing this blog was to enlighten you that things change each and everyday and the reason behind them are bigger then you!!!!
xoxo, Stay Melanated!