Will not conform

Will not conform

Everything is different when you have your own mind, your own thoughts and your own beliefs. When this finally happens and you stand by it, you can not be controlled! There are a lot of people in life that do not think for themselves, period. They want the opinions of others so bad that they can no longer think for themselves. When you are a strong believer in what is right for you and what works for you it is then, when people look at you as the enemy. This can be true for many instances such as work, social groups along with friendships. Always be firm in what you believe in and stand by it 1000%. 

I will not conform! I am a strong believer in myself! I believe that my mindset and ambition can take me to higher heights it has already been proven. I believe there is no one in this world that can change my view point on a number of things and I mean NO one. I believe that when you educate yourself on certain topics you can not be stopped. I am a advert reader & will research any and everything that is necessary to take my mind to the next level. I will not be fooled into thinking what society has set as beauty standards are real. I am beautiful in my own skin in my natural state, just the way I was created!

Please stand by your thought process if you believe in yourself, and have proved to yourself what does and does not work for you. You are in control. 



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